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R.4. Achievements with test vehicle VaMP 1994 – 2004


Test vehicle of ‘Prometheus’-project (SEL 500) [23a pdf; 23b Abstract]: 2nd-generation transputer vision system with up to 60 processors; [DDInf Zus.fassg; D17 Kurzfassg, D18 Kurzfassg, D23 KurzfassgD28 Kurzfassg, D30 Kurzfassg; 88b pdf]; bifocal vision both to front and rear; autonomous lane change decisions on two-lane roads. See M.1 Visual perception


Convoy-driving on multi-lane highways [D12 Kurzfassg]: Monocular motion stereo with the assumption of flat ground [23a pdf to 23d]. Width of vehicles initially estimated (parameter adaptation, up to five vehicles in each hemisphere),then fixed for improved range estimation [D17 Kurzfassg]. Autoroute A1 in France:
Video 1994 Twofold LaneChange Paris VaMP.mp4


Long distance drive Munich−Odense [D18 Kurzfassg, D23]: Transputer system with Power-PC 601 processors for feature extraction (front hemisphere only) [D17 Kurzfassg]. Collect statistical data on performance of edge-based vision system to derive improvements required for the 3rd-generation system based on COTS-components.


High-speed road running (max 175 km/h) [D18 Kurzfassg]; Curvature-based perception of own & neighboring lanes; lateral ego-state including transition between lanes [D30 Kurzfassg].Large look-ahead ranges up to ~ 100 m.

1998 – 2000

Horizontal and vertical road curvature

At larger ranges, even small vertical curvatures are important for higher precision in monocular range estimation; EMS-vision [D30 Kurzfassg]. Yellow bars display curvature effects relative to estimated position of the horizon. Video 2000 Hybrid Adaptive Cruise Control

Bifocal vision complementing an industrial radar system for more robust distance keeping, EMS-vision system [D30 Kurzfassg].Longitudinal control fully autonomous, lateral control by human driver to keep him ‘in the loop’ for better personal attention.


Wheel recognition (oblique views from rear) [D30 Kurzfassg]. Most characteristic item for separating vehicles from other large box-like objects; yields improved estimates of the relative heading angle of vehicles.

This allows better situation assessment for lane changes.