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Bibliography on Dynamic vision for autonomous vehicles

Clicking on the year results in a list of relevant references for that year.

Jones VC (1975). Tracking: An Approach to Dynamic Vision and Hand-Eye Coordination. Doctoral thesis, Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign Coordinated Science Lab. Abstract

Gennery DB (1977). A Stereo Vision System for an Autonomous Vehicle. Proc. 5th IJCAI, Cambridge, MA, USA, Aug. 1977

Uchiyama M (1979). A study of computer control of motion of a mechanical arm (3rd report, dynamic vision and visual feedback). Bulletin of the JSME, vol.22, (1979), issue 173, pp.1657-1664. Abstract

IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, Hyatt Regency, Cambridge, Mass.: Proc. of the int. conf. in cybernetics and soc., Boston, Mass., Oct. 8-10, 1980 (TSA advances in understanding spatial vision): –Y.Y. Zeev-,H. Fagni: Some aspects of motion perception (pp.421-423). –A.P. Ginsburg: Visual perception based on biological filtering of spatial information (pp.424-428). –R.B. Pinter: On the visual discrimination between small objects and large textured patterns (pp.429-433).

Tsuji S., Osada M., Yachida M (1980). Tracking and segmentation of moving objects in dynamic line images. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence * Vol.2 (1980) Issue 6, pp.516-522.

Gennery DB (1982). Tracking known 3-dimensional object. In Proc. AAAI 2nd Natl. Conf. Artif. Intell., Pittsburg, PA., pp.13-17.

Inigo RM, McVey ES (1982). Machine vision applied to vehicle guidance and safety. 32nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 1982, Vol.32, pp.469-473. Abstract

Meissner HG (1982). Steuerung dynamischer Systeme aufgrund bildhafter Informationen. Dissertation, UniBw Munich, LRT, 1982.

Asada M, Tsuji S (1983). Representation of three-dimensional motion in dynamic scenes. Comput. Vision, Graphics & Image Process. vol.21 (1983), Issue 1, pp.118-144. Abstract

Graefe V (1983). On the representation of moving objects in real-time computer vision systems. Proc. of SPIE. Applications of Digital Image Processing 6 * Band 432 (1983) pp.129-135. Abstract

Haas G, Graefe V (1983). Locating fast-moving objects in TV-images in the presence of motion blur. Proc. of SPIE. Applications of Digital Image Processing. vol.397 (1983) pp.440-446. Abstract

Meissner HG, Dickmanns ED (1983): Control of an Unstable Plant by Computer Vision. In T.S. Huang (ed): Image Sequence Processing and Dynamic Scene Analysis. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 532-548. Abstract

Akita K (1984). Image sequence analysis of real world human motion. Pattern Recognition, vol. 17, Issue 1, pp.73-83. Abstract

Graefe V (1984). Two Multi-Processor Systems for Low-Level Real-Time Vision. In J.M. Brady et al. (eds.): Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 1984, pp. 301 – 308.

Jain R, Sethi IK (1984) Establishing correspondence of non-rigid objects using smoothness of motion. Proc. of the Workshop Computer Vision Representation and Control, Annapolis, USA, April 30 – May 2, 1984, pp.83-87. Abstract

Mitiche A, Bouthemy P (1984). Representation and tracking of point structures using stereovision. Proc. of the Workshop Computer Vision Representation and Control, pp.118-124. Abstract

Moore JW, McVey ES, Inigo RM (1984). Robot guidance using machine vision. Conf. Record. Seventeenth Asilomar Conf. on Circuits, Systems and Computers, Santa Clara, USA, pp. 282-285. Abstract

O’Brien N, Jain R (1984). Axial motion stereo. Proc. of the Workshop Computer Vision Representation and Control, pp.88-92. Abstract

Tsotsos K (1984). Cooperative computation and time. Proc. of the Workshop Computer Vision Representation and Control, pp. 231-237. Abstract

Tsotsos JK, Jepson AD, Fleet DJ (1984). Motion understanding meets early vision: An introduction. The First Conf. on Artificial Intelligence Applications, Denver 1984, pp. 239-244. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Zapp A (1985): Guiding Land Vehicles Along Roadways by Computer Vision. Proc. Congres Automatique 1985, AFCET, Toulouse, 1985, pp 233-244.

Adelson EH, Bergen JR (1986). The extraction of spatio-temporal energy in human and machine vision. Proc. Workshop on Motion, Representation and Analysis, Charleston, 1986, pp.151-155. Abstract

Aloimonos J, Basu A (1986). Shape and 3-D motion from contour without point to point correspondences: general principles. Proc. of IEEE Computer Soc. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Miami Beach, 1986, pp.518-527. Abstract

Andersson RL (1986). Living in a dynamic world. Proceedings Fall Joint Computer Conference, Dallas, USA, November 2-6, 1986, pp.97-104. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1986). Computer Vision in Road Vehicles – Chances and Problems. ICTS-Sposium on ‚Human Factors Technology for Next-Generation Transportation Vehicles‘ Amalfi, Italy, June 16 -20. Abstract and Introduction

Dickmanns ED, Wuensche HJ (1986a). Regelung mittels Rechnersehen. Darstellung einiger Grundprinzipien anhand der Stabilisierung eines Stab/Wagen-Systems Feedback control by computer vision. Some basic principles demonstrated with the inverted pendulum balanced on an electro-cart. Automatisierungstechnik (at), 34 1/1986 pp. 16-22. Abstract und Einfuehrende Uebersicht

Dickmanns ED, Wuensche HJ (1986b): Satellite Rendezvous Maneuvers by Means of Computer Vision. Jahrestagung der DGLR, Muenchen. In: Jahrbuch 1986 Bd. 1 der DGLR, Bonn, pp 251-259. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Zapp A (1986): A Curvature-based Scheme for Improving Road Vehicle Guidance by Computer Vision. In: ‚Mobile Robots‘, SPIE Proc. Vol. 727, Cambridge, MA, pp 161-168. Abstract and Introduction

Jenkin M, Tsotsos JK (1986). Applying temporal constraints to the dynamic stereo problem. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, vol. 33, Issue 1, pp.16-32. Abstract

Mysliwetz B, Dickmanns ED (1986). A Vision System with Active Gaze Control for real-time Interpretation of Well Structured Dynamic Scenes. In L.O. Hertzberger (ed): Proc. of 1st Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-1), Amsterdam, pp 477-483. Abstract and Introduction

Waxman AM, Sinha SS (1986). Dynamic stereo: passive ranging to moving objects from relative image flows. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. PAMI-8 (1986), Issue 4, pp.406-412. Abstract

Wuensche HJ (1986a). Satellite rendezvous maneuvers by means of computer vision. DGLR Jahrestagung 1986, Muenchen, Oktober. Abstract and Introduction

Wuensche HJ (1986b). Detection and Control of Mobile Robot Motion by Real-Time Computer Vision. In N. Marquino (ed): Advances in Intelligent Robotics Systems. Proc. of the SPIE, Vol. 727, pp 100-109. Abstract and Introduction

Dickmanns ED (1987a): 4D-Szenenanalyse mit integralen raum-/ zeitlichen Modellen. In Paulus (Hrg.): 9. DAGM Symposium Mustererkennung, Braunschweig, Informatik Fachberichte 149, Springer-Verlag, Sept./Okt. 1987. Uebersicht und Einleitung

Dickmanns ED (1987b). 4-D-Dynamic Scene Analysis with Integral Spatio-Temporal Models. Proc. 4th Int. Symposium on Robotics Research, Santa Cruz, 1987, pp 311-318. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1987c). Object Recognition and Real-Time Relative State Estimation Under Egomotion. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on ‚Real-Time Object Recognition …‘, Maratea, Italy, 1987. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1987d). Kap. 10.6 Multisensorielle Fahrzeugfuehrung, IMS-Lehrgang 1987, 23 Seiten. Uebersicht , link to a first comprehensive slide show on the ‚4-D approach‘ (in German language).

Dickmanns ED, Eberl G (1987). Automatischer Landeanflug durch maschinelles Sehen. DGLR-Jahrestagung, Berlin. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Zapp A (1987). Autonomous High Speed Road Vehicle Guidance by Computer Vision. Preprints of 10th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Vol. 4, Munich, Germany, July 1987, pp. 232 – 237. Abstract and Introduction

Haynes SM, Jain R (1987). A qualitative approach for recovering relative depths in dynamic scenes. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Vision, pp. 66-71. Abstract

Liuo SP, Jain RC (1987). Motion detection in spatio-temporal space. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Vision, 30 Nov.-2 Dec. 1987, Miami Beach, FL, USA, pp.352-354. Abstract

Matthies L, Szeliski P, Kanade T (1987). Kalman filter-based algorithms for estimating depth from image sequences. Report-Nr. 87-185, Carnegie-Mellon University, Department of Computer Science, pp.1-48. Abstract

Mysliwetz B, Dickmanns ED (1987). Distributed Scene Analysis for Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance. Proc. SPIE Conference on Mobile Robots, Vol. 852, Cambridge, USA, pp 72-79. Abstract and Introduction

McTamaney S (1987). Mobile robots: real-time intelligent control. IEEE Expert, vol. 2 (1987), Issue 4, pp.55-68. Abstract

Wuensche HJ (1987): Bewegungssteuerung durch Rechnersehen. Dissertation, UniBw Munich, LRT. Abstract

Burger W, Bhanu B (1988). Dynamic scene understanding for autonomous mobile robots. Proceedings CVPR ’88: The Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 5-9 June 1988, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, pp 736-741. Abstract

Burt PJ (1988). Attention mechanisms for vision in a dynamic world. 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (IEEE) vol. 2, 1988, pp 977-987. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1988a). An Integrated Approach to Feature Based Dynamic Vision. Int. Conference on Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Ann Arbor, pp 820-825. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1988b). Dynamic Computer Vision for Mobile Robot Control. In R.A. Jarvis (ed): Proc. of the Int. Symposium and Exposition on Robots, Sydney, pp 314-327. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1988c). Object Recognition and Real-Time Relative State Estimation Under Egomotion. In A.K. Jain (ed): Real-Time Object Measurement and Classification. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 41-56.

Dickmanns ED (1988d). Computer Vision for Flight Vehicles. Zeitschrift fuer Flugwissenschaft und Weltraumforschung (ZFW), Vol. 12 (88), pp 71-79. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1988e). Vehicle Guidance by Computer Vision. Workshop ‚High Precision Navigation‘, Stuttgart 1988, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1989, pp 86-96. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Graefe V (1988). a) Dynamic monocular machine vision. J. Mach. Vision & Appl., Vol.1, pp 223–240. b) Applications of dynamic monocular machine vision. (ibid), pp 241–261. Abstract (This paper is the first encompassing publication in English language on the newly developed 4-D approach, proven in several applications in the fields of autonomous visual ground-, air-, and space vehicle guidance.)

Jain R (1988). Dynamic vision. Proceedings 9th Internat. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Vol.1, pp.226-235. Abstract

Kuhnert D (1988). Zur Echtzeit-Bildfolgenanlyse mit Vorwissen. Dissertation UniBw Munich, LRT, 1988

Liang P, Feng J, Hackwood S (1988). A general framework for robot hand-eye coordination. Proceedings, IEEE Internat. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1988, vol.2, pp.1082-1087. Abstract

Mysliwetz B, Dickmanns ED (1988). Ein verteiltes System zur Echtzeitinterpretation von Strassenszenen fuer die autonome Fahrzeugfuehrung. Fachtagung Prozessrechensysteme ‘88, Stuttgart, 2.-4. Maerz. Abstract

Nagel HH (1988). Image sequences – Ten (octal) years – From phenomenology towards a theoretical foundation, Internat. Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2 (1988) pp 459-483.

Wuensche HJ (1988). Bewegungssteuerung durch Rechnersehen. (Diss.) Band 20, Fachberichte Messen – Steuern – Regeln. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1988

Zapp A (1988). Automatische Strassenfahrzeugfuehrung durch Rechnersehen. Dissertation UniBw Munich, LRT, 1988. Kurzfassung

Burt PJ, Bergen JR, Hingorani R, Kolczynski R, Lee WA, Leung A, Lubin J, Shvayster H (1989). Object tracking with a moving camera. Proceedings Workshop on Visual Motion, IEEE 1989, pp 2-12. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1989a). Subject-object discrimination in 4D dynamic scene interpretation for machine vision. Proceedings. Workshop on Visual Motion (IEEE Cat. No.89CH2716-9), 20-22 March 1989, Irvine, CA, USA (1989) pp 298-304. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1989b). Active Vision Through Prediction-Error Minimization. NATO-Advanced Study Institute, Maratea, Italy, July 16-29. Introduction

Dickmanns ED, Christians T (1989): Relative 3-D-state Estimation for Autonomous Visual Guidance of Road Vehicles. In T. Kanade et al (eds): ‚Intelligent Autonomous Systems 2‘, Amsterdam, Dec. Vol. 2, pp 683-693, also appeared in: Robotics and Autonomous Systems 7 (1991), Elsevier Science Publ., pp 113-123. Abstract

Graefe V (1989). A flexible semi-automatic program generator for dynamic vision systems. MIV-89 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Industrial Applications of Machine Intelligence and Vision (Seiken Symposium) 1989, pp.100-105. Abstract

Matthies L (1989). Dynamic stereo vision. Report-Nr. CMU-CS-89-195, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Computer Science, pp.1-161. Abstract

Matthies L, Szeliski R, and Kanade T (1989). Kalman filter-based algorithms for estimating depth from image sequences. Int. J. of computer vision.

McIvor M (1989). Edge recognition in dynamic vision. Proceedings CVPR ’89 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1989, pp.118-123. Abstract

Ming Xie (1989). Dyamic vision, Does 3D scene perception necessarily need two cameras or just one? Raports de Recherch Nr. 974e, INRIA, pp.1-35. Abstract

Nagel HH (1989). On a constraint equation for the estimation of displacement rates in image sequences. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence PAMI-II (1989) pp.13-30.

Rive P, Xie M (1989). Toward dynamic vision. Proc. IEEE Workshop on Interpretation of 3D scenes, Austin, Texas

Schell FR, Dickmanns ED (1989). Autonomous Automatic Landing through Computer Vision. AGARD Conference Proc. No. CP-455: Advances in Techniques and Technologies for Air Vehicle Navigation and Guidance, Lisbon, pp.24.1-24.9.

Shih-Ping Liou, Jain RC (1989). Motion detection in spatio-temporal space. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, vol. 45 (1989), Issue 2, pp.227-250. Abstract

Spetsakis ME, Aloimonos J (1989). Optimal motion estimation. Proc. Workshop on Visual Motion, (IEEE Cat. No.89CH2716-9), 20-22 March 1989, Irvine, CA, USA 1989, pp.229-237. Abstract

Stephens RS (1989). Real-time 3D object tracking. AVC ’89, Proceedings of the Fifth Alvey Vision Conference, Reading, GB, pp.85-90. Abstract

Stephens MJ (1989). Towards 3D vision for mobile and grasping robots. IEE Colloquium on Computer Vision for Robotics, pp.4/1-4/5. Abstract

Tseng G, Sood AK (1989). Analysis of image sequences to determine rotational and translational parameters. Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Arlington, VA, USA 1989, pp.174-179. Abstract

Broida T, Chandrashekhar S, Chellappa R (1990). Recursive 3D Motion Estimation From a Monocular Image Sequence. IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 26, no. 4, pp 639-656

Bruedigam C (1990). Collision Avoidance by Passive Monocular Vision. Prometheus-CED 3-Workshop, Coventry, October 23/24. Abstract and Introduction

Burt PJ, Bergen J, Hingorani R, Peleg S, Anandan P (1990). Dynamic analysis of image motion for vehicle guidance. Intelligent Motion Control. Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop / 1990 / I92010907937

David Sarnoff Research Center (1990). Dynamic analysis of image motion for vehicle guidance. SRI International, Princeton, NJ, US.

Cipolla R, Blake A (1990) The dynamic analysis of apparent contours. Proceedings, Third International Conference on Computer Vision, Osaka, 1990, pp 616-623. Abstract

Choudhary AN, Leung MK, Huang, TS, Pantel JH (1990). Parallel implementation and evaluation of motion estimation system algorithms on a distributed memory multiprocessor using knowledge based mappings. Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Atlantic City, NJ, vol. 2, pp.337-342. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1990a). Visual dynamic scene understanding exploiting high-level spatio-temporal models. Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Atlantic City, vol.2, pp. 373-378. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1990b). Dynamic Vision for Intelligent Motion Control . Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Motion Control, Vol.1, pp IP_67-IP_74. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Christians T, Bruedigam C (et al.1990a). Convoy Driving by Monocular Dynamic Vision. Pro-Art Workshop on Vision 1, Sophia-Antipolis, April 19/20. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Mysliwetz B, Christians T (et al.1990b). An integrated spatio-temporal approach to automatic visual guidance of autonomous vehicles. IEEE-Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 20, issue 6 (Special Issue on Unmanned Vehicles and Intelligent Robotic Systems), pp.1273-1284. Abstract

Franke U, Mehring S (1990). A transputer based image processing system for real-time vehicle guidance. Proc. Prometheus-Workshop ‘Collision Avoidance’, Coventry, UK, Oct 1990.

Heel J (1990a). Direct Estimation of Structure and Motion From Multiple Frames. AI Memo 1190, MIT AI Lab.

Heel J (1990b). Direct dynamic motion vision. Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1990, Vol.2, pp.1142-1147. Abstract

Heel J (1990c). Dynamic motion vision. Proceedings of SPIE, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision 8 (rom.): Algorithms and Techniques, vol. 1192,2 (1990), pp.758-769. Abstract

Kenue SK, Bajpayee S (1990). LaneLok: robust line and curve fitting of lane boundaries. Proc. SPIE – Mobile Robots VII, Vol. 1831, Boston, pp 491-503.

Kuhnert KD (1990). Fusing dynamic vision and landmark navigation for autonomous driving. Proceedings, IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS ’90, vol.1, pp.113-119. Abstract

Lee S, Kay Y (1990). An accurate estimation of 3-D position and orientation of a moving object for robot stereo vision: Kalman filter approach. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol.1, pp 414-419. Abstract

Moezzi S, Weymouth TE (1990). A model for fusion of spatial information in dynamic vision. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol.2, pp 1148-1153. Abstract

Mysliwetz B (1990). Parallelrechner-basierte Bildfolgen-Interpretation zur autonomen Fahrzeugsteuerung. Dissertation, UniBw Munich, LRT. Kurzfassung

Negahdaripour S, Yu CH, Shokrollahi AH (1990). Recovering shape and motion from undersea images. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol.15, Issue 3, pp.189-198.

Regensburger U, Graefe V (1990). Object Classification for Obstacle Avoidance. Proc. SPIE Symposium on Advances in Intelligent Systems, Boston, pp.112-119.

Sood AK, Trivedi MM, Herman M, Wechsler H (1990). Computational Perspective on Perception, Planning, Action and Systems Integration. SMC(20), No. 6, Nov./Dec. 1990, pp.1241-1244. Overview of robotics and perception for a special issue.

Tirumalai AP, Schunck BG, Jain RC (1990). Dynamic stereo with self-calibration. Proceedings, Third International Conference on Computer Vision, Dec. 1990, Osaka, pp.466-470. Abstract

Wang FY, Kyriakopoulos KJ, Tsolkas A, Saridis GN (1990). A Petri-net coordination model for an intelligent mobile robot. Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1990, vol.3 pp 1531-1536. Abstract

Zhang DB, Van Gool L, Oosterlinck A (1990). Stochastic predictive control of robot tracking systems with dynamic visual feedback. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol.1, pp 610-615. Abstract

Zhang Z, Faugeras OD (1990). Determining motion from 3D line segment matches: a comperative study. BMVC ’90, British Machine Vision Conference 1990, pp.85-90. Abstract

Zheng JY, Tsuji S (1990). From anorthoscope perception to dynamic vision. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol.2, pp 1154-1160. Abstract

Zhu Q (1990). Visual guidance and dynamical obstacle avoidance of robot motion. Technical Paper. Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1990, pp.1-20. Abstract

Bhanu B, Burger W (1991). A qualitative approach to dynamic scene understanding. CVGIP, Image Understanding / 1991 / I91117471927

Broida T, Chellappa R (1991). Estimating the Kinematics and Structure of a Rigid Object from a Sequence of Monocular Frames. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 497-513

Dickmanns ED (1991a). 4-D Dynamic Vision for Intelligent Motion Control. In C. Harris (ed): Int. Journal for Engineering Applications of AI (IJEAAI), Special Issue ‚Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Research‘, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp.301-307, Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1991b). Dynamic Vision for Locomotion Control – An Evolutionary Path to ‚Less-artificial‘ Intelligence. Int. Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Sydney, Australia, Aug. 1991. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Christians T (1991). Relative 3-D-State Estimation for Autonomous Visual Guidance of Road Vehicles. Int. Conf. on Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 7, Elsevier Science Publ., pp 113-123, 1991. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Schick J (1991). Real-Time Machine Vision as one Component for a Long-term Solution of Roll- and Taxi-guidance. DGON/ADV Symposium on ‘Guidance, Control and Traffic Management on the Airport Surface’, Braunschweig, Oct. 8-9. Abstract

Hashimoto K, Kimoto T, Ebine T, Kimura H, Kodama Kimura (1991). Image-based dynamic visual servo for a hand-eye manipulator. Recent Advances in Mathematical Theory of Systems, Control, Networks, and Signal Processing, vol. II, pp.609-614.

Koivo AJ, Houshangi N (1991). Real-time vision feedback for servoing robotic manipulator with self-tuning controller. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics / 1991 / I91056646927

Kuehnle A (1991). Symmetry-based recognition of vehicle rears. In: Pattern Recognition Letters 12. North-Holland, pp 249-258.

Schick J, Dickmanns ED (1991). Simultaneous Estimation of 3-D Shape and Motion of Objects by Computer Vision. IEEE Workshop on Visual Motion, Princeton, NJ, 1991. Abstract

Simpson RL jun (1991). Computer vision: an overview. IEEE Expert, Atlanta, GA, Vol.6, issue 4, pp.11-15. Abstract

Sood AK, Wechsler H (eds. 1991). Active Perception and Robot Vision. Springer, pp.1-756. Proc. of the NATO Advanced Study Institute 1989, Maratea (same title).

Spetsakis M, Aloimonos J (1991). A Multiframe Approach to Visual Motion Perception. Int’l J. Computer Vision, vol. 6, no. 3.

Szeliski R, Terzopoulos D (1991). Physically-based and probabilistic models for computer vision. Geometric Methods in Computer Vision. Proceedings of the SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering / 1991 / E92054135080

Terzopoulos D , Metaxas D (1991). Dynamic 3D models with local and global deformations: deformable superquadrics. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Vol.13, issue 7, pp.703-714. Abstract

Zhu Q (1991). Hidden Markov model for dynamic obstacle avoidance of mobile robot navigation. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol.7, no.3, pp.390-397. Abstract

Altan OD, Craig DB, Litkouhi BB, Oberdier LM (1992). Lane Trak: a vision-based automatic vehicle steering system. Proceedings of the SPIE Mobile Robots 7, Vol.1831, pp.468-478. Abstract

Arbogast E, Mohr R (1992). An ego-motion algorithm based on the tracking of arbitrary curves. Proc. 2nd European Conf. Computer Vision.

Behringer R, von Holt V, Dickmanns D (1992). Road and Relative Ego-State Recognition. Proceedings IEEE, SAE Internat. Symposium on ‚Intelligent Vehicles‘, Detroit, 1992. Abstract

Behringer R, Mueller N (1992). Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance from Autobahnen to Sharp Curves. Transactions on Robotics and Automation Vol.14, No.5 (Oct.) Abstract

Bhanu B, Nevatia R, Riseman EM (1992a). Dynamic-scene and motion analysis using passive sensors I. A qualitative approach. IEEE Expert / 1992 / I92043842927

Bhanu B, Nevatia R, Riseman EM (1992b). Dynamic-scene and motion analysis using passive sensors II. Displacement-field and feature-based approaches. IEEE Expert / 1992 / I92043843927

Blake A, Yuille A (eds.,1992). Active Vision. MIT Press, pp.1-368.

Christensen HI, Andersen CS, Granum E (1992). Control and Perception in Dynamic Vision. SPIE Boston. Abstract

Curwen R, Blake A, Zisserman A (1992). Real-time visual tracking for surveillance and path planning. Proceedings, ECCV 1992.

Dickmanns ED (1992a). A General Dynamic Vision Architecture for UGV and UAV. Journal of Applied Intelligence 2, pp.251-270. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1992b). Machine Perception Exploiting High-Level Spatio-Temporal Models. AGARD Lecture Series 185 ‚Machine Perception‘, Hampton, VA, Munich, Madrid, Sept./Oct. 1992, pp.6∙1- 6∙17. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Mysliwetz B (1992). Recursive 3D Road and Relative Ego-State Recognition. IEEE-Trans. PAMI, Vol.14, No.2, Special Issue on ‚Interpretation of 3D Scenes‘, February 1992, pp. 199-213. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Schell FR (1992). Autonomous Landing of Airplanes by Machine Vision. AGARD Symposium on Advances in Guidance and Control of Precision Guided Weapons, Ottawa, 1992, 11 pages. Abstract

Efenberg W, Ta QH, Tsinas L, Graefe V (1992). Automatic Recognition of Vehicles Approaching from behind. Proc. of Internat. Symp. on Intelligent Vehicles’92, Detroit, 1992, pp 57-62.

Franke U (1992). Real time 3D-road modeling for autonomous vehicle guidance. In: Johanson, Olson: Selected Papers of 7th Scand. Conf. on Image Analysis. World Sci. Publ. Comp., 1992, pp. 277-284.

Heeger D, Jepson A (1992). Subspace methods for recovering rigid motion: Algorithm and implementation, Int. J. Comp. Vision, vol.7, no.2

Ho CC, McClamrock NH (1992). Autonomous spacecraft docking using a computer vision system. Proceedings, 31st Conference on Decision and Control.

Hock C, Dickmanns ED (1992). Intelligent Navigation for Autonomous Robots Using Dynamic Vision. XVII Congress of the Internat. Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Washington, D.C. Aug.1992, 16 pages. Abstract

Intelligent Vehicles ’92 Symposium (General Chairperson: I. Masaki) starts the series of the yearly IEEE Symposium containing many contributions to ‘Dynamic Vision’, the triennial switch between USA, Europe, and Japan fosters wide-spread contributions (main emphasis on road vehicles).

Kinzel W, Dickmanns ED (1992). Moving Humans Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Models. XVII-th Congress of the Int. Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Washington, D.C., 1992, 8 pages. Abstract

Manigel J, Leonhard W (1992). Vehicle control by computer vision. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics / 1992 / I92080200927 Abstract

Mueller N (1992). Feed-forward Control for Curve Steering for an Autonomous Road Vehicle. IEEE Internat. Conference Robotics and Automation, Nice, 1992, pp.200-205. Abstract

Oliensis J, Inigo-Thomas J (1992). Recursive Multiframe Structure from Motion Incorporating Motion Error. Proc. DARPA Image Understanding Workshop.

Pentland AP (1992). Dynamic vision. In G.A. Carpenter and S. Grossberg, eds., Neural Networks for Vision and Image Processing, pages 133-159. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992. Further references

Schell FR (1992). Bordautonomer automatischer Landeanflug aufgrund bildhafter und inertialer Messdatenauswertung, Dissertation, UniBwM, LRT.

Schell FR, Dickmanns ED (1992). Autonomous Landing of Airplanes by Dynamic Machine Vision. Proc. IEEE-Workshop on ‚Applications of Computer Vision‘, Palm Springs, Nov/Dec 1992. Abstract

Schick J (1992). Gleichzeitige Erkennung von Form und Bewegung durch Rechnersehen, Dissertation, UniBwM, LRT

Schmid M (1992). Recognition of Partially Occluded Moving Objects. XVII Congress of the Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Washington D.C., 1992. Abstract

Schwarzinger M, Zielke T, Noll D, Brauckmann M, von Seelen W (1992). Vision-based car-following: detection, tracking, and identification. Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles ’92 Symposium, pp.24-29. Abstract

Taalebinezhaad MA (1992). Direct Recovery of Motion and Shape in the General Case by Fixation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 14, no. 8, pp 847-853

Thomanek F, Dickmanns D (1992). Obstacle Detection, Tracking and State Estimation for Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, Vol. II, Raleigh, 1992, pp.1399-1406. Abstract

Tirumalai AP, Schunck BG, Jain RC (1992). Dynamic stereo with self-calibration. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence / 1992 / I93021829928

Tistarelli M, Sandini G (1992) Dynamic aspects in active vision. CVGIP, Image Understanding / 1992 / I92114487927

Allen PK, Timcenko A, Yoshimi B, Michelman P (1993). Automated tracking and grasping of a moving object with a robotic hand-eye system. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp.152-165. Abstract

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Behringer R (1993). Quantitative Kurserfassung einer Fahrspur durch Befahren mit einem sehenden Fahrzeug. DAGM 93, Luebeck. Abstract (Zusammenfassung)

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Dai Ping, Dai Fan (1993). Analysis and modeling of a dynamic vision based robotic system. TENCON ’93. Proceedings, IEEE Region 10 Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Power Engineering.1993, vol.4, pp.103-106. Abstract

DeJong, Hutchinson S, Spong MW (1993). Integration of Machine Learning and Sensor-Based Control in Intelligent Robotic Systems. American Control Conference, 1993, vol. , pp.352-356. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1993a). Expectation-Based Dynamic Scene Understanding. In A. Blake and A. Yuille (eds): ‚Active Vision‘, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1993, pp. 303-335. Introduction

Dickmanns ED (1993b). Bifocal Dynamic Vision for Vehicle Control. 5th Internat. Symposium on Robotics Research, Hidden Valley, Penn. Oct. 2-5, 1993. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Behringer R, Bruedigam C, Dickmanns D, Thomanek F, v. Holt V (1993). An All-Transputer Visual Autobahn-Autopilot/Copilot. Proc. ICCV’93, Berlin, May 1993. Also in TAT/WTC’93, Aachen, Sept. 1993. Abstract

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Roth Y, Jain RC (1993). Simulation and Expectation in Sensor-Based Systems. PRAI(7), No. 1, Feb. 1993, pp.145-173.

Schiehlen J, Dickmanns ED (1993). Two-Axis Camera Platform for Machine Vision. AGARD Conference Proc. 539 (1994) ‚Pointing and Tracking Systems‘, Seattle 1993, pp.22-1 to 22-6. Abstract

Schmid M, Thomanek F (1993). Real Time Detection and Recognition of Vehicles for an Autonomous Guidance and Control System. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1993, pp.377-380. Abstract

Sharkey PM, Murray DW, vande Velde S, Reid ID, McLauchlan PF (1993). A Modular Head/Eye Platform for Real-Time Reactive Vision, Mechatronics (3), No. 4, 1993, pp.517-535.

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Behringer R, Hoetzl S (1994). Simultaneous Estimation of Pitch Angle and Lane Width from the Video Image of a Marked Road. IEEE-Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’94), Neubiberg. Abstract

Brauckmann ME, Goerick C, Groß J, Zielke T (1994). Towards All Around Automatic Visual Obstacle Sensing for Cars. Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles ’94 Symposium, pp.79-84.

Bruedigam C (1994). Intelligente Fahrmanoever sehender autonomer Fahrzeuge in autobahnaehnlicher Umgebung. Dissertation, UniBw Munich, LRT.

Dickmanns ED (1994a). The 4D-approach to dynamic machine vision. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1994, vol.4, pp 3770-3775. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1994b). Active Bifocal Vision. In: Impedovo S (ed.). Progress in Image Analysis and Processing III, World Scientific Publ. Co. Singapore, 1994, pp.481-496. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1994c). Historical development of use of dynamical models for the representation of knowledge about real world processes in machine vision. Signal Processing 35 (1994), pp.305-306. Text

Dickmanns ED (1994d). The 4-D approach to visual control of autonomous systems. AIAA/NASA Conf. on Intelligent Robots in Field, Factory, Service and Space (CIRFFSS ‘94)
Houston, Texas, March 1994. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1994e). Ein multifokales aktives Fahrzeugauge. 1. Workshop zum Foerderschwerpunkt ‚Elektronisches Auge‘, Berlin, 13./14.6.1994. Kurzfassung

Dickmanns ED, Behringer R, Dickmanns D, Hildebrandt T, Maurer M, Thomanek F, Schiehlen J (et al. 1994a). The seeing passenger car ‘VaMoRs-P’. Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles ’94 Symposium, pp.68-73. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Werner S, Kraus S, Schell FR (et al. 1994b). Experimental Results in Autonomous Landing Approaches by Dynamic Machine Vision. SPIE Conf. ‚Image Sensing, Processing, and Understanding for Guidance and Control of Aerospace Vehicles‘, Orlando, FL, 1994. Abstract

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Fagerer C, Dickmanns D, Dickmanns ED (1994). Visual Grasping with Long Delay Time of a Free Floating Object in Orbit. J. Autonomous Robots, Vol. 1, No. 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp.53-68. Abstract

Hock C, Behringer R, Thomanek F (1994). Intelligent Navigation for a Seeing Road Vehicle using Landmark Recognition. ISPRS, Commission V, March 1994, Melbourne. Abstract

Huber J, Graefe V (1994). Motion stereo for mobile robots. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.41, Issue 4, pp.378-383. Abstract

[IV’94] Issue of the proceedings of the International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles (starting 1992, organized yearly by I. Masaki and various institutions) with special attention to the end of the EUREKA – ‘Prometheus’-project, 1994: provides a good survey on the state of development of machine vision for road vehicle guidance in Europe.

Kinzel W (1994). Praeattentive und attentive Bildverarbeitungsschritte zur visuellen Erkennung von Fußgaengern. Dissertation, UniBwM / LRT, 16.9.1994, Fortschrittsberichte VDI, Reihe 10, Nr. 329, 1994.

Koller D, Luong QT, Malik J (1994a). Using binocular stereopsis for vision-based vehicle control. Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles ’94 Symposium, pp.237-242. Abstract

Koller D, Weber J, Huang T, Malik J, Ogasawara G, Rao B, Russell S (1994b). Towards robust automatic traffic scene analysis in real-time. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1994, vol.4, pp 3776-3781. Abstract

Matteucci P, Regazzoni CS, Foresti GL (1994). Real-time approach to 3-D object tracking in complex scenes. Electronics Letters, Vol.30, Issue 6, pp.475-477. Abstract

Maurer M, Behringer R, Dickmanns D, Hildebrandt T, Thomanek F, Schiehlen J, Dickmanns ED (1994). VaMoRs-P: An Advanced Platform for Visual Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance. SPIE Conference ‚Mobile Robots IX‘, Oct. 31 – Nov 4, 1994, pp 239-248. Abstract

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Reid ID, Murray DW, Bradshaw KJ (1994). Towards active exploration of static and dynamic scene geometry. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1994, vol.1, pp. 718 – 723. Abstract

Schiehlen J, Dickmanns ED (1994a). A Camera Platform for Intelligent Vehicles. Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles ’94 Symposium, pp.393-398. Abstract

Schiehlen J, Dickmanns ED (1994b). Design and Control of a Camera Platform for Machine Vision. IEEE-Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’94), Neubiberg, Sept. 1994, pp.2058-2063. Abstract

Schmid M (1994). 3-D-Erkennung von Fahrzeugen in Echtzeit aus monokularen Bildfolgen. Dissertation, UniBw Muenchen, LRT. Kurzfassung

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Soatto S, Perona P (1994): Three dimensional transparent structure segmentation and multiple 3d motion estimation from monocular perspective image sequences. In IEEE Computer Society: Workshop on Motion of Nonrigid and Articulated Objects, Austin, pp 228-235.

Soatto S, Perona P, Frezza R, Picci G (1994). Motion Estimation via Dynamic Vision. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1994, vol.4, pp. 3253-3258. Abstract
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Thomanek F, Dickmanns ED, Dickmanns D (1994). Multiple Object Recognition and Scene Interpretation for Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance. In: I. Masaki (ed.): Proc. of the Internat. Symp. on ‚Intelligent Vehicles‘, Paris, France, 1994, pp 231-236. Abstract

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Dickmanns ED (1995a). Performance Improvements for Autonomous Road Vehicles. Int. Conf.on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-4), Karlsruhe, 1995. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1995b). Parallel Use of Differential and Integral Representations for Realising Efficient Mobile Robots. 7th International Symposium on Robotics Research, Munich, Oct. 1995, pp.391-397. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1995c). Road vehicle eyes for high precision navigation. In Linkwitz et al. (eds): High Precision Navigation. Duemmler Verlag, Bonn, 1995, pp.329-336. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1995d). Das Rechnersehen in Echtzeit. In: ’20 Jahre Institut fuer Systemdynamik und Flugmechanik‘, S. 30-70. Eigenverlag

Dickmanns ED, Mueller N (1995). Scene Recognition and Navigation Capabilities for Lane Changes and Turns in Vision-Based Vehicle Guidance. Control Engineering Practice, 2nd IFAC Conf. on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles-95, Helsinki 1995. Abstract

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Joon Woong Lee, Mun Sang Kim, In So Kweon (1995). A Kalman filter based visual tracking algorithm for an object moving in 3D. Proc. IEEE/RSJ Internat. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 95. ‚Human Robot Interaction and Cooperative Robots‘, Vol.1, pp.342-347. Abstract

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Soatto S, Frezza R, Perona P (1995). Structure from visual motion as a nonlinear observation problem. In Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems NOLCOS, Tahoe City.

Thomanek F, Dickmanns ED (1995). Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance in Normal Traffic. Proc. ACCV ’95, Singapore, 1995. Abstract

Werner S, Buchwieser A, Dickmanns ED (1995). Real-Time Simulation of Visual Machine Perception for Helicopter Flight Assistance. Proc. SPIE – Aero Sense, Orlando, FL, April 1995. Abstract

Argyros AA, Lourakis MIA, Trahanias PE, Orphanoudakis SC (1996). Qualitative detection of 3D motion discontinuities. Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,IROS 96, Vol.3, pp.1630-1637. Abstract
Behringer R (1996). Visuelle Erkennung und Interpretation des Fahrspurverlaufs durch Rechnersehen. Dissertation UniBw Munich, LRT, 1996.

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Daviet P, Parent M (1996). Longitudinal and lateral servoing of vehicles in a platoon. Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 1996, pp.41-46. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1996). Entwicklungsschritte zur Erhoehung von Sicherheit und Komfort durch sehende Autos. at − Automatisierungstechnik 44 (1996) 5, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, pp.243 ff. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Mueller N (1996). Scene recognition and navigation capabilities for lane changes and turns in vision-based vehicle guidance. Control Eng. Practice, Vol.4, No.5, pp.589-599. Abstract

Hashimoto K, Noritsugu T (1996). Modeling and control of robotic yo-yo with visual feedback. Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1996, Vol.3, pp.2650-2655. Abstract

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Maurer M, Behringer R, Fuerst S, Thomanek F, Dickmanns ED (1996). A Compact Vision System for Road Vehicle Guidance. 13th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Vienna, Austria, August 25-29, pp.313-317. Abstract

Mizuno M, Yamada K, Nakano T, Yamamoto S (1996). Robustness of lane mark detection with wide dynamic range vision sensor. Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 1996, pp.171-176. Abstract

Mueller N (1996). Autonomes Manoevrieren und Navigieren mit einem sehenden Straßenfahrzeug. Dissertation UniBw Munich, LRT, 1996. Abstract

Rieder A (1996). Trinocular Divergent Stereo Vision. 13th International Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Vienna, Austria, August 1996. Abstract

Rizzi AA, Koditschek DE (1996). An active visual estimator for dexterous manipulation. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol.12, Issue 5, pp.697-713. Abstract

Rong L, Wong AKC (1996). Attributed hypergraph representations for dynamic vision. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1996, Vol.1, pp.498-503. Abstract

Soatto S (1996). A geometric framework for dynamic vision. Dissertation, CaltechETD. Abstract

Soatto S, Frezza R, Perona P (1996): Motion estimation via dynamic vision. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 41, no. 3, pp.393-413. Abstract

Tian TY, Tomasi C, Heeger DJ (1996). Comparison of Approaches to Egomotion Computation. Proc. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp.315-320.

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Wasielewski S, Aldon MJ (1996). Dynamic vision for ROV stabilization. MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings OCEANS ’96. ‚Prospects for the 21st Century‘. vol.3, pp.1082-1087. Abstract

Werner S, Fuerst S, Dickmanns D, Dickmanns ED (1996). A vision-based multi-sensor machine perception system for autonomous aircraft landing approach. Enhanced and Synthetic Vision AeroSense ’96, SPIE, Vol. 2736, Orlando, FL, April 1996, pp 54-63

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Cretual A, Chaumette F (1997). Positioning a camera parallel to a plane using dynamic visual servoing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS ’97, vol.1, pp. 43-48. Abstract

Dickmanns Dirk (1997). Rahmensystem fuer visuelle Wahrnehmung veraenderlicher Szenen durch Computer. Dissertation, UniBwM, Informatik, 1997.

Dickmanns ED (1997a). Vehicles Capable of Dynamic Vision. Proc. 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-97), Vol. 2, Nagoya, Japan, 1997, pp.1577-1592. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1997b). Dynamic vision merging control engineering and AI methods. In: Workshop ‚The confluence of vision and control‘, Block Island RI, USA, Lecture notes in control and information sciences, ISSN 0170-8643. Abstract

Fuerst S, Werner S, Dickmanns D, Dickmanns ED (1997a). Landmark navigation and autonomous landing approach with obstacle detection for aircraft. AGARD MSP Symposium on “System Design Considerations for Unmanned Tactical Aircraft (UTA), Athens. AGARD Conf. Proc. 594 (1998), pp.20.1-20.11. Abstract

Fuerst S, Werner S, Dickmanns ED (1997b). Autonomous Landmark Navigation and Landing Approach with Obstacle Detection for Aircraft. 10th European Aerospace Conference ‘Free Flight’, Amsterdam, NL, October 20-21, 1997, pp.36.1-36.11.

Gregor R, Baten S, von Holt V, Luetzeler M, Maurer M, Rieder A, Dickmanns ED (1997). A low-cost vision system for automotive applications. Proc. 30th ISATA, Florence, Italy, June 16-19, 1997, pp.195-201

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Maurer M, Dickmanns ED (1997). An advanced control architecture for autonomous vehicles. AeroSense ’97, SPIE Proc. Vol. 3087, Orlando FL, pp 94-105. Abstract

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Werner S (1997). Maschinelle Wahrnehmung fuer den bordautonomen automatischen Hubschrauberflug. Dissertation, UniBwM, LRT. Kurzfassung

Albus JS (1998). 4-D/RCS: A reference model architecture for Demo III. Intelligent Control (ISIC), 1998. Held jointly with IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA), Intelligent Systems and Semiotics (ISAS), Proceedings, pp.634-639. Abstract

Cretual A, Chaumette F (1998). Image-based visual servoing by integration of dynamic measurements. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1998, vol.3, pp. 1994 – 2001. Abstract

Dickmanns ED (1998). Vehicles capable of dynamic vision: a new breed of technical beings? Artificial Intelligence, V.103, No.1-2, pp.49-76. Abstract

Dickmanns ED, Fuerst S (1998). Information Processing Architecture for Mission Performance of Autonomous Systems Capable of Dynamic Vision. NATO RTO Meeting Proceedings 3 ‚The Application of Information Technologies (Computer Science) to Mission Systems‘, 1998, pp.2.1-2.12. Abstract

Ferrier NJ (1998). Performance of visual tracking systems: implications for visual controlled motion. Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1998, vol.4, pp.3725-3730. Abstract

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Guo-Qing W, Arbter K, Hirzinger G (1998). Active self-calibration of robotic eyes and hand-eye relationships with model identification. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol.14, pp.158-166. Abstract

Hager GD, Kriegman DJ, Georghiades AS, Ben-Shahar O (1998). Toward domain-independent navigation: dynamic vision and control. Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1998, vol. 3, pp. 3257-3262. Abstract

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Kosecka G, Blasi R, Taylor CJ, Malik J (1998). A Comparative Study of Vision-Based Lateral Control Strategies for Autonomous Highway Driving. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Leuven, Belgium, 1998, pp. 1903-1908.

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Luetzeler M, Dickmanns ED (1998). Road Recognition with MarVEye. In: I. Masaki (ed.): Proc. of the Internat. Symp. on ‚Intelligent Vehicles‘, Stuttgart, Germany, 1998. Abstract

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[IV’00] Proc. of the Symposium on ‘Intelligent Vehicles’. Dearborn, MI, Oct. 2000, with the following contributions on ‘Expectation-based, Multi-focal, Saccadic’ (EMS-) Vision:

  1. Gregor R, Luetzeler M, Pellkofer M, Siedersberger KH, Dickmanns ED (2000). EMS-Vision: A Perceptual System for Autonomous Vehicles. pp.52-57. Abstract
  2. Gregor R, Dickmanns ED (2000). EMS-Vision: Mission Performance on Road Networks. pp.140-145. Abstract
  3. Hofmann U, Rieder A, Dickmanns ED (2000). EMS-Vision: Application to Hybrid Adaptive Cruise Control. pp.468-473. Abstract
  4. Luetzeler M, Dickmanns ED (2000a). EMS-Vision: Recognition of Intersections on Unmarked Road Networks. pp.302-307. Abstract
  5. Maurer M (2000a). Knowledge Representation for Flexible Automation of Land Vehicles. pp.575-580. Abstract
  6. Pellkofer M, Dickmanns ED (2000). EMS-Vision: Gaze Control in Autonomous Vehicles. pp.296-301. Abstract
  7. Siedersberger KH, Dickmanns ED (2000). EMS-Vision: Enhanced Abilities for Locomotion. pp.146-151. Abstract

Jin H, Favaro P, Soatto S (2000). Real-time 3-D motion and structure from point features. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, code available from tt

Kolodko J, Vlacic L, Peters L (2000). On the use of motion as a primitive quantity for autonomous vehicle guidance. Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2000, pp. 64-69. Abstract

Kragic D, Christensen HI (2000). Tracking techniques for visual servoing tasks. Proceedings. ICRA ’00. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol.2, pp.1663-1669. Abstract

Lamiroy B, Espiau B, Andreff N, Horaud R (2000). Controlling robots with two cameras: how to do it properly. Proceedings ICRA ’00, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol.3, pp.2100-2105. Abstract

Luetzeler M, Dickmanns ED (2000b). EMS-Vision: Recognition of intersections on unmarked road networks. Proceedings, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2000, pp.302-307. Abstract

Maurer M (2000b). Flexible Automatisierung von Strassenfahrzeugen mit Rechnersehen. Dissertation UniBw Munich, LRT, 2000. Kurzfassung

Mineta K, Unoura K, Ikeda T (2000). Development of a lane recognition system for a lane keeping assist system. In HONDA R&D Tech. Review, Vol. 12, pp.101-108, 2000.

North B, Blake A, Isard M, Rittscher J (2000). Learning and classification of complex dynamics. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence / 2000 / 20001006944

Prassler E, Scholz J, Elfes A (2000). Tracking multiple moving objects for real-time robot navigation. Autonomous Robots / 2000 / 20000708397

Rabie TF, Terzopoulos D (2000). Motion, stereo and color analysis for dynamic virtual environments. International Symposium on Robotics, 31, Montreal, CA, pp.230-237. Abstract

Tsap LV, Goldof DB, Sarkar S (2000). Nonrigid motion analysis based on dynamic refinement of finite element models. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence / 2000 / 20000804499

van der Zwaan S, Bernardino A, Santos-Victor J (2000). Vision based station keeping and docking for an aerial blimp. Proceedings, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2000, vol.1, pp.614-619. Abstract

Yang Fan, Balasuriya A (2000). Autonomous target tracking by AUVs using dynamic vision. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Underwater Technology, UT 00, pp.187-192. Abstract

Yeasin M, Chaudhuri S (2000). Visual understanding of dynamic hand gestures. Pattern Recognition / 2000 / 20000904851