A few selected ones, emphasis on own publications and other papers of direct interest to our group as well as aero-space applications.
Years in temporal order; within each year: alphabetic order.
Chriette A; Hamel T; Mahony R (2001). Visual servoing for a scale model autonomous helicopter. Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2001, Vol.2, pp.1701-1706. Abstract
Delgado F (2001). Hybrid synthetic vision system for the X-38 crew return vehicle. In: Proceedings of the SPIE – Enhanced and Synthetic Vision Conference, 2001, Vol.4363 pp.181-188. Abstract
Dickmanns ED (2001). Fahrzeuge lernen sehen. Broschüre (139 S.) und CD (mit ~ 40 Minuten Videoclips) zu 25 Jahren Forschung und Lehre an der UniBwM, Okt. 2001
Gregor R; Luetzeler M; Dickmanns ED (2001a) EMS-Vision: Combining on- and off-road driving. Proc. SPIE-Aero-Sense, Orlando, Fla, USA, April 2001. Abstract
Gregor R, Luetzeler M, Pellkofer M, Siedersberger KH, Dickmanns ED (2001b). A Vision System for Autonomous Ground Vehicles with a Wide Range of Maneuvering Capabilities. Proc. Int. Conf. on Vision Systems (ICVS), Vancouver, 2001. Abstract
Hamilton L; Humm L; Daniels M; Yen H (2001). The role of vision sensors in future intelligent vehicles. 42 Volt Technology and Advanced Vehicle Electrical Systems, SAE Future Transportation Technology Conference, Costa Mesa, US, in: SAE-SP (Special Publications) Vol.1636 (2001) pp.77-81. Abstract
Hofmann U, Rieder A, Dickmanns ED (2001). Radar and Vision Data Fusion for Hybrid Adaptive Cruise Control on Highways. Proc. Int. Conf. on Vision Systems (ICVS), Vancouver, 2001. Abstract
Kaminer I; Wei Kang; Yakimenko O; Pascoal A (2001). Application of nonlinear filtering to navigation system design using passive sensors. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2001, Vol.37, Issue 1, pp.158-172. Abstract
Namiki A; Ishikawa M (2001). Sensory-motor fusion architecture based on high-speed sensory feedback and its application to grasping and manipulation. ISR, International Symposium on Robotics, 32, IMS, Intelligent Microsystem Symposium, 1 / 2001 / 20011201165
Pellkofer M; Luetzeler M; Dickmanns ED (2001a). Vertebrate-type perception and gaze control for road vehicles. Proc. 10th Internat. Symp. on Robotics Research (ISRR), Lorne, Australia, Nov. 2001. In: Jarvis RA; Zelinsky A (2003). Robotics Research, Springer, pp.271-288. Abstract
Pellkofer M; Luetzeler M; Dickmanns ED (2001b). Interaction of Perception and Gaze Control in Autonomous Vehicles. Proc. SPIE: Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XX; Oct. 2001, Newton, USA, pp.1-12. Abstract
Schiele B; Sagerer G (eds. 2001). Computer Vision Systems. Proceedings 2nd Int. Workshop, ICVS 2001, Vancouver, Springer LNCS 2095.
Sengupta K; Burman P (2001). A curve fitting problem and its application in modeling objects in monocular image sequences. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence / 2002 / 20020504549
Siedersberger KH; Pellkofer M, Luetzeler M, Dickmanns ED, Rieder A, Mandelbaum R, Bogoni I (2001). Combining EMS-Vision and Horopter Stereo for Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Vehicles. Proc. Int. Conf. on Vision Systems (ICVS), Vancouver, 2001. Abstract
Sinopoli B; Micheli M; Donato G; Koo TJ (2001). Vision based navigation for an unmanned aerial vehicle. Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2001, Vol.2, pp.1757-1764. Abstract
Bjorkman M; Eklundh JO (2002). Real-time epipolar geometry estimation of binocular stereo heads. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence / 2002 / 20020307268
Burt PJ (2002). A pyramid-based front-end processor for dynamic vision applications. Proceedings of the IEEE / 2002 / 20021001057
Chiuso A, Favaro P, Jin H, Soatto S (2002). Structure from motion causally integrated over time. In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. (PDF, BibTeX)
Cremean L; Dunbar WB; van Gogh D; Hickey J; Klavins E; Meltzer J; Murray, RM (2002). The Caltech Multi-Vehicle Wireless Testbed. Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Vol.1, pp.86-88. Abstract
Dickmanns ED (2002a). Expectation-based, Multi-focal, Saccadic (EMS) Vision for Ground Vehicle Guidance. Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002), pp.907-915. Abstract
Dickmanns ED (2002b). The development of machine vision for road vehicles in the last decade. Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Intelligent Vehicles 02 . Abstract
Dickmanns ED (2002c). Vision for ground vehicles: history and prospects. Int. J. of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Vol.1, No.1, 2002, pp.1-44. Abstract
Dickmanns ED (2002d). Neue Erklaerungsmoeglichkeiten zur Frage des Geistes? Ueber die Dualitaet von Geist und Materie. Forschung & Lehre 10 / 2002, pp.546-547. Text
Fermuller C; Baker P; Aloimonos Y (2002). Visual space-time geometry – A tool for perception and the imagination. Proceedings of the IEEE / 2002 / 20021001054. Vol.90, Issue 7, pp.1113-1135. Abstract
Gregor R (2002). Fähigkeiten zur Missionsdurchführung und Landmarkennavigation. Dissertation, UniBwM, LRT
Gregor R; Luetzeler M; Pellkofer M; Siedersberger KH; Dickmanns ED (2002). EMS-Vision: a perceptual system for autonomous vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol.3, Issue 1, 2002, pp. 48-59. Abstract
Hamel T; Mahony R (2002). Visual servoing of an under-actuated dynamic rigid-body system: an image-based approach. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation / 2002 / 20020605558
Hamel T; Mahony R; Chriette A (2002). Visual servo trajectory tracking for a four rotor VTOL aerial vehicle. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Proceedings ICRA ’02, Vol.3, pp.2781-2786. Abstract
Labayrade R; Aubert D; Tarel JP (2002). Real time obstacle detection in stereovision on non flat road geometry through „v-disparity“ representation. IV, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2002 / 2003 / 20030905415
Luetzeler M (2002). Fahrbahnerkennung zum Manövrieren auf Wegenetzen mit aktivem Sehen. Dissertation, UniBwM, LRT
Miura J; Itoh M; Shirai Y (2002). Toward vision-based intelligent navigator: its concept and prototype. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.3, Issue 2, 2002, pp.136-146. Abstract
Pellkofer M, Dickmanns ED (2002). Behavior Decision in Autonomous Vehicles. Proc. of the Int. Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Intelligent Vehicles 02 . Abstract
Rittscher J; Blake A; Roberts SJ (2002). Towards the automatic analysis of complex human body motions. Image and Vision Computing / 2002 / 20030105798
Bucher T; Curio C; Edelbrunner J; Igel C; Kastrup D; Leefken I; Lorenz G; Steinhage A; von Seelen W (2003). Image processing and behavior planning for intelligent vehicles. IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.50, Issue 1, pp.62-75. Abstract
Cheung KMG; Baker S; Kanade T (2003). Shape-from-silhouette of articulated objects and its use for human body kinematics estimation and motion capture. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2003 / 20031006437
Crowley JL; Piater JH; Vincze M; Paletta L (eds. 2003). Computer Vision Systems. Proceedings 3rd Internat. Conference, ICVS 2003, Graz, Springer LNCS 2626.
Dickmanns ED (2003). Expectation-based, Multi-focal, Saccadic Vision – (Understanding dynamic scenes observed from a moving platform). In: Olver P.J., Tannenbaum A. (eds.): Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision , Springer-Verlag, pp.19-35. Abstract
Hacker J; Kroplin BH (2003). An experimental study of visual flight trajectory tracking and pose prediction for the automatic computer control of a miniature airship. Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications, Proceedings of the SPIE – The Internat. Soc. for Optical Engineering / 2003 / 20040807427
Hofmann U; Rieder A; Dickmanns ED (2003). Radar and vision data fusion for hybrid adaptive cruise control on highways. Int. J. Machine Vision and Applications , Vol. 14(1), 2003, Springer-Verlag, pp. 42-49. Abstract
Laschi C; Miwa H; Takanishi A; Guglielmelli E; Dario P (2003). Visuo-motor coordination of a humanoid robot head with human-like vision in face tracking. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2003 / 2003 / 20040208131
Lippiello V; Siciliano B; Villani L (2003). A new technique for real-time visual tracking of 3D objects. SYROCO, IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, 7 / 2003 / 20041102337
Lu Shan; Metaxas D; Samaras D; Oliensis J (2003). Using multiple cues for hand tracking and model refinement. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2003 / 20031105759
Luo Y; Wu TD; Hwang JN (2003). Object-based analysis and interpretation of human motion in sports video sequences by dynamic Bayesian networks. Computer Vision Image Understanding / 2003 / 20051004885
Ma Y; Soatto S; Kosecka J; Sastry S (2003). An invitation to 3D vision, from images to models. Book, Springer Verlag.
Okuma K; Little JJ; Lowe D (2003). Automatic acquisition of motion trajectories: tracking hockey players. Internet Imaging, 5 – Proceedings of the SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering / 2003 / 20040606101
Pellkofer M (2003). Verhaltensentscheidung für autonome Fahrzeuge mit Blickrichtungs-steuerung. Dissertation, UniBwM, LRT
Pellkofer M; Hofmann U; Dickmanns ED (2003). Autonomous cross-country driving using active vision. SPIE Conf. 5267, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXI: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision. Photonics East, Providence, Rhode Island, Oct. 2003
Pellkofer M; Luetzeler M; Dickmanns ED (2003). Interaction of perception and gaze control in autonomous vehicles. Robotics Research, ISRR, International Symposium on Robotics Research, 10 – Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (Online) / 2003 / 20030805486 Abstract and Introduction
Rehbinder H; Ghosh BK (2003). Pose estimation using line-based dynamic vision and inertial sensors. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control / 2003 / 20030803036
Senda K; Matsumoto T; Okano Y (2003). A study toward cognitive action with environment recognition by a learning space robot. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA ’03, vol.1, pp.797-802. Abstract
Simond N; Rives P (2003). Homography from a vanishing point in urban scenes. Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2003. Vol.1, pp. 1005-1010. Abstract
Talukder A; Goldberg S; Matthies L; Ansar A (2003). Real-time detection of moving objects in a dynamic scene from moving robotic vehicles. Proc. IEEE/RSJ Internat. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2003, vol.2, pp.1308-1313. Abstract
Tang JB; Liu JP; Zhang H; Shen JX; Zou LY; Huang XH (2003). Dynamic vision research on modular reconfigurable robotics system. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Signal, Vol. 2, Issue 8-13, pp 970-974. Summary
Bissacco A; Saisan P; Soatto S (2004). Gait recognition using dynamic affine invariants. In: Proc. of the MTNS, 2004.
Cech M; Niem W; Abraham S; Stiller C (2004). Dynamic ego-pose estimation for driver assistance in urban environments. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2004, pp.43-48. Abstract
Dickmanns ED (2004): Dynamic vision based intelligence. AI Magazine, Vol.25, Issue2, pp.10-30. Abstract
Heyden A; Holst J; Nyberg F (2004) [Malmö högskola.htm]: Dynamic Vision. [also: Heyden A; Malm H; Sparr G; Astrom K (2004). Dynamic Vision Project]. Survey
Hofmann U (2004). Zur visuellen Umfeldwahrnehmung autonomer Fahrzeuge. Dissertation, UniBwM, LRT
Jackson J; Yezzi A; and Soatto S (2004). Tracking deformable moving objects under severe occlusions. In: Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Kolodko J; Vlacic L (2004).Fusion of range and vision for real-time motion estimation.IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2004, pp.256-261. Abstract
Lindner F; Kressel U; Kaelberer S (2004). Robust recognition of traffic signals. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2004, pp.49-53. Abstract
Sheng-Wen C; Huai-Wen H; Shiao-Chung C (2004). A dynamic vision system for tracking and localization of underwater objects. International Symposium on Underwater Technology 2004 (UT ’04), pp.215-222. Abstract
Siedersberger KH (2004). Komponenten zur automatischen Fahrzeugführung in sehenden (semi-) autonomen Fahrzeugen. Dissertation, UniBwM, LRT
Todorovic S; Nechyba MC (2004). A vision system for intelligent mission profiles of micro air vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.53, Issue 6, pp.1713-1725. Abstract
von Holt V (2004). Integrale Multisensorielle Fahrumgebungserfassung nach dem 4D-Ansatz. Dissertation, UniBwM, LRT
Ying Zhu; Comaniciu D; Pellkofer M; Koehler T (2004). Passing vehicle detection from dynamic background using robust information fusion. Proceedings, 7th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2004, pp.564-569. Abstract
Doretto G (2005). Modeling dynamic scenes with active appearance. In: Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Golightly I; Jones D (2005). Visual control of an unmanned aerial vehicle for power line inspection. Proceedings, 12th Internat. Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR ’05, pp.288-295. Abstract
Jackson JD, Yezzi AJ, Soatto S (2005) Dynamic shape and appearance modeling via moving and deforming layers. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Energy Minimization in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMMCVPR).
Kaaniche K; Champion B; Pegard C; Vasseur P (2005). A Vision Algorithm for Dynamic Detection of Moving Vehicles with a UAV. Proc. of the IEEE Internat. Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2005. pp.1878-1883. Abstract
Bissacco A, Soatto S (2006). Hybrid dynamical models of human motion for gait recognition. In: International Journal of Computer Vision, 2006. (PDF,BibTeX; UCLA VISION LAB)
Chriette A (2006). An analysis of the zero-dynamics for visual servo control of a ducted fan UAV. Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA 2006, pp.2515-2520. Abstract
Doretto G, Soatto S (2006). Dynamic Shape and Appearance Models. In: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. (PDF,BibTeX)
Gans NR; Hutchinson SA (2006). Visual Servo Velocity and Pose Control of a Wheeled Inverted Pendulum through Partial-Feedback Linearization. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS.2006, pp.3823-3828. Abstract
Jones BM; Howard A (2006). An imaging technique for safe spacecraft landing and autonomous hazard avoidance. Second IEEE Internat. Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology, SMC-IT 2006. Abstract
Schon TB; Eidehall A; Gustafsson F (2006). Lane departure detection for improved road geometry estimation. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2006, pp.546-551. Abstract
Soatto S (2006). Dynamic Vision for Control. (Final report: 1 Jan 2003-31 Dec 2005, UCLA). Abstract
Bissacco A; Chiuso A; Soatto S (2007). Classification and Recognition of Dynamical Models. In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. (PDF,BibTeX)
Dickmanns ED (2007). Dynamic Vision for Perception and Control of Motion.
Horn J; Bachmann A; Thao Dang (2007). Stereo Vision Based Ego-Motion Estimation with Sensor Supported Subset Validation. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2007, pp.741 748. Abstract
Jae-Hyung Kim; Joon Lyou (2007). The development of an artificial vision based navigation system for helicopter using modified NDGPS/INS integration. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, CCAS ’07, pp.2114-2118. Abstract
Jones E, Vedaldi A, Soatto S (2007). Inertial structure from motion and autocalibration. Proceedings of the Internat. Workshop on Dynamical Vision in conjunction with ICCV 2007.
Ming Jie; Xianlin Huang; Hang Yin; Hongqian Lu (2007). A precise vision-based navigation method for autonomous soft landing of lunar explorer. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2007, pp.1138-1142. Abstract
Raptis M; Bustreo M; Soatto S (2007). Time warping under dynamic constraints. Proceedings of the Internat. Workshop on Dynamical Vision in conjunction with ICCV 2007.
Vedaldi A, Guidi G, Soatto S (2007). Moving forward in structure from motion. Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Comp. Vis. and Patt. Recogn. 2007
Barth A; Franke U (2008). Where will the oncoming vehicle be the next second ? IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp.1068-1073. Abstract
Jackson J; Yezzi AJ; Soatto S (2008). Dynamic shape and appearance modeling via moving and deforming layers. Internat. Journal of Computer Vision, 2008. (PDF,BibTeX)
Lee Tsu-Tian (2008). Research on intelligent transportation systems in Taiwan. 27th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2008, pp. 18-23. Abstract
Saghafi F; Khansari Zadeh SM (2008). Vision-Based Trajectory Tracking Controller for Autonomous Close Proximity Operations. IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2008, pp.1-11. Abstract
Taylor CN (2008). Fusion of inertial, vision, and air pressure sensors for MAV navigation. IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, MFI 2008, pp.475-480. Abstract
Tlale N; de Villiers M (2008). Kinematics and Dynamics Modelling of a Mecanum Wheeled Mobile Platform. 15th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, M2VIP 2008, pp. 657-662. Abstract
Tran TH; Ha QP (2008). Fast algorithm for UGV wheel-terrain interaction analysis. 10th Internat. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2008, pp.674-680. Abstract
Wong DR; Ou Q; Sinclair M; Li YJ; Chen XQ; Marburg A (2008). Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flight Model Validation Using On-Board Sensing and Instrumentation. 15th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, M2VIP 2008, pp.109-114. Abstract
Barth A; Franke U (2009). Estimating the Driving State of Oncoming Vehicles From a Moving Platform Using Stereo Vision. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.10, Issue 4, pp.560-571. Abstract
Bissacco A; Soatto S (2009). Hybrid dynamical models of human motion for the recognition of human gaits. Internat. Journal of Computer Vision, May 2009 (PDF,BibTeX)
Campa G; Napolitano MR; Fravolini ML (2009). Simulation Environment for Machine Vision Based Aerial Refueling for UAVs. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol.45, Issue 1, pp.138-151. Abstract
Ceren Z; Altug E (2009). Vision-based servo control of a quadrotor air vehicle. IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation CIRA 2009, pp.84-89. Abstract
Courbon J; Mezouar Y; Guenard N; Martinet P (2009). Visual navigation of a quadrotor Aerial Vehicle. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2009, pp.5315-5320. Abstract
Jan IU; Khan MU; Iqbal N (2009). Combined application of kalman filtering and correlation towards autonomous helicopter landing. International Conference on Computer, Control and Communication, IC4 2009, pp.1-6. Abstract
Jinjun Shan (2009). Dynamic modeling and vision-based control for indoor airship. International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2009, pp.2934-2939. Abstract
Unterholzner A; Wuensche HJ (2009). Adaptive state space control of a camera platform for an autonomous ground vehicle. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2009, pp.591-596. Abstract
Xinqian B; Xiaojuan W; Wei Z; Zheping Y (2009). Design of a visual guiding system for IAUV docking. International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2009, pp.2107-2112. Abstract
Barth A; Franke U (2010). Estimating the Driving State of Oncoming Vehicles From a Moving Platform Using Stereo Vision. 13th Internat. IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp.861-868. Abstract
Das A; Naroditsky O; Zhiwei Zhu; Samarasekera S; Kumar R (2010). Robust visual path following for heterogeneous mobile platforms. IEEE Internat. Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010, pp.2431-2437. Abstract
Jones E; Soatto S (2010). Visual-Inertial Navigation, Mapping and Localization: A Scalable Real-Time Causal Approach. Internat. Journal of Robotics Research, Oct. 2010. (PDF,BibTeX)
Pfeiffer D; Franke U (2010). Efficient representation of traffic scenes by means of dynamic stixels. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), pp.217-224. Abstract
Raptis M; Wnuk K; Soatto S (2010). Spike Train Driven Dynamical Models for Human Action. Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2010. (PDF,BibTeX)