VaMoRs ready for mission demonstration in 2001. The vehicle and two road sections of the mission can be seen in the insert. Above it, the gaze control platform is seen with five cameras mounted; there was a special pair of parallel stereo cameras in the top row for using hard- and software of a US-partner in a joint project ‘AutoNav’ between Germany and the USA.
Final demonstrations of the capabilities developed with EMS-vision
[Last project “Intelligente Fahrzeug-Funktionen” IFF (Intelligent functions for autonomous ground vehicle guidance) of ED Dickmanns’ group.]
Joint venture in the German – US-American “AutoNav” project with [ARL, NIST and Sarnoff Corporation (SRI)].
Perception of negative obstacles (here: a ditch of ~ 0.8 m width and ~ 4m length) was done jointly by
EMS-vision for early detection at longer ranges, and
an ACADIA-board of Sarnoff plugged into one of the PC’s in the EMS-system for (full image / full frame rate)- stereo vision nearby.
Saccadic vision after an intermediate stop to estimate the size of the ditch when it could not be fully seen in a single viewing direction.
Drive around the nearest corner with least change of heading direction and fixate the corner as long as possible.
Dickmanns ED (2000). An Expectation-based, Multi-focal, Saccadic (EMS) Vision System for Vehicle Guidance. In Hollerbach and Koditschek (eds.): ‚Robotics Research‘ (The Ninth Symposium), Springer-Verlag. Extended_abstract
Gregor R, Dickmanns, ED (2000). EMS-Vision: Mission Performance on Road Networks. Proc. Int. Symp. on Intelligent Vehicles (IV’2000), Dearborn, (MI) pdf
Gregor R, Lützeler M, Pellkofer M, Siedersberger KH, Dickmanns ED (2000). EMS-Vision: A Perceptual System for Autonomous Vehicles. Proc. Int. Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles (IV’2000), Dearborn, (MI)
Lützeler M, Dickmanns ED (2000). EMS-Vision: Recognition of Intersections on Unmarked Road Networks. Proc. Int. Symp. on Intelligent Vehicles (IV’2000), Dearborn, (MI) , Oct. 4-5, pdf
Maurer M (2000). Knowledge Representation for Flexible Automation of Land Vehicles. Proc. Int. Symp. on Intelligent Vehicles (IV’2000), Dearborn, (MI)
Pellkofer M, Dickmanns ED (2000). EMS-Vision: Gaze Control in Autonomous Vehicles. Proc. Int. Symp. on Intelligent Vehicles (IV’2000), Dearborn, (MI) pdf
Rieder A (2000). Fahrzeuge sehen – Multisensorielle Fahrzeugerkennung in einem verteilten Rechnersystem für autonome Fahrzeuge. Dissertation, UniBwM / LRT. Kurzfassung
Siedersberger K-H, Dickmanns ED (2000). EMS-Vision: Enhanced Abilities for Locomotion. Proc. Int. Symp. on Intelligent Vehicles (IV’2000), Dearborn, (MI) pdf
Gregor R, Lützeler M, Dickmanns ED (2001). EMS-Vision: Combining on- and off-road driving. Proc. SPIE Conf. on Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology III, AeroSense ‘01, Orlando (FL),
Gregor R, Lützeler M, Pellkofer M, Siedersberger K-H, Dickmanns ED (2001). A Vision System for Autonomous Ground Vehicles with a Wide Range of Maneuvering Capabilities. Proc. ICVS, Vancouver
Siedersberger K-H; Pellkofer M, Lützeler M, Dickmanns ED, Rieder A, Mandelbaum R, Bogoni I (2001). Combining EMS-Vision and Horopter Stereo for Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Vehicles. Proc. ICVS, Vancouver
Pellkofer M, Lützeler M, Dickmanns ED (2001). Interaction of Perception and Gaze Control in Autonomous Vehicles. Proc. SPIE: Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XX; Newton, USA, pp 1-12. Abstract (and Introd.)
Gregor R, Lützeler M, Pellkofer M, Siedersberger KH, Dickmanns ED (2002). EMS-Vision: A Perceptual System for Autonomous Vehicles. IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 48 – 59
Gregor R (2002). Fähigkeiten zur Missionsdurchführung und Landmarkennavigation. Dissertation, UniBwM / LRT. Kurzfassung
Pellkofer M, Hofmann U, Dickmanns ED (2003). Autonomous cross-country driving using active vision. SPIE Conf. 5267, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXI: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision. Photonics East, Providence, Rhode Island
Pellkofer M (2003). Verhaltensentscheidung für autonome Fahrzeuge mit Blickrichtungssteuerung. Diss., UniBwM, LRT. Kurzfassung
Siedersberger K-H (2004). Komponenten zur automatischen Fahrzeugführung in sehenden (semi-) autonomen Fahrzeugen. Dissertation, UniBwM, LRT, Kurzfassung
Hofmann U (2004). Zur visuellen Umfeldwahrnehmung autonomer Fahrzeuge. Dissertation, UniBwM / LRT. Kurzfassung
von Holt V (2004). Integrale Multisensorielle Fahrumgebungserfassung nach dem 4D-Ansatz. Dissertation, UniBwM / LRT. Kurzfassung
Dickmanns ED (2007). Dynamic Vision for Perception and Control of Motion. Springer-Verlag, (Section 14.6.6). Content
Dickmanns ED (2015). Contributions to Visual Autonomous Driving. A Review: c) Part III: Expectation-based, Multi-focal, Saccadic (EMS-) Vision (1997 ÷ 2004) pdf