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I.3 Surveys on stages of development

at the ‘Institut fuer Systemdynamik und Flugmechanik’ of UniBw Munich 1977 till 2004

With the following links a quick access is given to major fields of development in dynamic vision based on engineering methods in systems dynamics and automation.

Application areas and tasks

Coming from Aero- Space- Engineering, ground vehicles may seem a strange item to start with; however, the number of controllable degrees of freedom (dof) is cut in half as compared to aero-space flight (only two translations and one rotation in a plane). In addition, real-world test vehicles are much more readily available. Over the years, realistic tasks in all areas have been solved (ground-, air-, and space vehicles).

Hardware used

Computing power in microprocessors was marginal in the beginning (1977); for real-time applications, custom-designed solutions had to be developed initially (window-concept and BVV-hardware). Within the period needed for one dissertation (4 to 5 years), computing power increased by about one order of magnitude; three generations of vision systems have been developed and used.

A survey on test vehicles, pointing platforms, and Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL-) simulation facilities is given.

Methods developed and proven

The basic concepts for visual perception, action and behavioral components, as well as for system integration are touched upon; a complete reference to original work is given.

Test- and demonstration sites for autonomous systems

Summary of sites used in conjunction with industrial and other partners.

Survey on experimental results

Tables of ‘firsts’ in the field of visual guidance of ground vehicles and in special aerospace applications.

Since 2005 the work on “Autonomous ground vehicles” at UniBw Munich is continued in the newly founded institute for “Technology of Autonomous Systems” (Institut fuer die Technologie Autonomer Systeme TAS) in the Aero-Space Technology department (LRT, Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik); it has been initiated by Ernst D. Dickmanns before his retirement. Head of the institute TAS is Hans-Joachim (Joe) Wuensche
Institutsleiter Prof._Wuensche